
I am currently selling two items that are great for moms of new babies, whether it's a first child or a seventh child!


Are you pregnant? Do you have a new baby? Need a shower gift?

Mom’s Calendar-Journal allows you to keep track of your busy life and record your baby’s first moments, birthday planning, and medical appointments. Mom’s Calendar-Journal is an organizer, calendar, and working memory book all rolled into one convenient package.

Mom’s Calendar-Journal includes:
☼ Weekly Calendar including:
     * Inspirational verse
     * Child’s weekly age count
     * Section to record appointments, playdates, etc.
     * Daily journal space
     * To-do list
     * Mom’s memory prompt
☼ Gift record for birth and first birthday
☼ First birthday planning organizer
☼ Medical journal to accompany doctor visits and space for questions, concerns, and notes
     in between visits.
☼ Blank pages for general notes and journaling